Fraud Protection Definition

Fraud Protection is the process of devising and implementing a strategy. This strategy is aimed at detecting fraudulent or banking transactions. Fraudulent or banking transactions can cause financial and reputational damage to the customers and financial institutions.

Financial institutions need a strong fraud protection strategy. A strong protection strategy is crucial in the changing environment. The changing environment involves financial institutions moving to a fully digital system with more online and mobile banking channels and cybercrime. Cybercrime is also evolving, with fraudsters exchanging information on the dark web.

Fraudsters can be prevented or punished through the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC encourages individuals and businesses to report cases of fraud, scams, or bad business practices on the FTC website. The FTV website compiles all the reports and shares them with more than 3,000 law enforcers in the U.S.

Fraud Protection

Importance of Fraud Protection

Fraud protection is important because it protects businesses from common fraud schemes and fraudulent activities such as:

  • Denial of Service (DoS) attack is aimed at overwhelming the computing resources of a website. Overwhelming the computing resources of a website using hundreds or thousands of computer bot commands. These computer bot commands, for example, will repeatedly complete a request thousands of times which will cause the website to crash.
  • Malware or malicious software is a variety of harmful software. This variety of harmful software includes viruses, ransomware, spyware, and more that can be used to steal the personal information of customers.
  • Phishing is a message that aims to exploit people by extracting valuable information. Extracting valuable information can be done through an email, SMS message, phone call, or other communication methods. These communication methods are used to trick the customers into revealing information or downloading harmful software like malware.
  • Ransomware is a form of malware that does the encryption of local files on an infected device. The infected device’s owner is forced on paying the ransom to the fraudster to access the file again. Paying the ransom does not guarantee the encryption key will be given by the fraudster. The fraudster can just receive the payment and be untraceable.
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Types Of Fraud Protection

The types of fraud protection are:

  • Fraud prevention happens before the fraud attempt. Fraud attempts in the future are reduced by fraud prevention.
  • Fraud detection occurs during the fraud attempt. Fraud attempts that are successful are mitigated by fraud detection. Fraud detection also reduces false positives. False positives reduction contributes to improved customer experience and increased productivity of fraud teams.

The Benefits Of Fraud Protection

The benefits of fraud protection services for businesses are:

  • Removes the complexity of fraud reviews. Fraud reviews are usually done manually by businesses. Businesses can benefit from fraud protection services through the usage of big data. This big data are generated from billions of historical transactions that are tracked and provide analysis to the businesses that are subscribed to fraud protection services. Fraud protection services combine machine learning with human intelligence and contextual-based authentication to increase the accuracy of the correctness of the decision whether to accept or reject an offer.
  • Offers zero liability for fraud. Zero liability for fraud is offered by fraud protection service providers to businesses. Businesses can now focus more on the best ways to attract and convert customers and not need to worry about paying for chargebacks made by fraudulent customers.
  • Protects and better serves customers. Customers feel secure when transacting with businesses that are subscribed to fraud protection services. Fraud protection services enable businesses to protect their first-time customers and turn them into loyal customers. More loyal customers will mean more growth for their businesses.

Fraud Protection Credit Check

Fraud protection on credit checks can be done by the following:

  • Requesting a credit freeze prevents future fraudulent activities from occurring by denying any credit check on a customer's account. A customer’s account is still vulnerable if there are fraudulent activities that happened before a credit freeze. A credit freeze can be requested online, by phone, or by mail from each of the three major credit bureaus.
  • Placing a fraud alert prevents future fraudulent activities from occurring by requiring identity verification before performing a credit check on a customer’s account. A customer’s account is still under threat if fraudulent activity has occurred before a fraud alert. A fraud alert can be requested online, by phone, or by mail from any of the three major credit bureaus.

How Do I Remove Fraud Protection From My Credit Report?

To remove fraud protection from your credit report, you need to send a request for removal to all three major credit bureaus. The three major credit bureaus have dedicated web pages to guide you in removing a fraud alert or a credit freeze.

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Fraud Protection Timing

Fraud Protection last based on the kind of fraud protection requested on the credit report:

  • A fraud alert automatically expires after one year for initial and active duty alerts and expires after seven years for extended fraud alerts. Fraud alerts can be removed prematurely upon your request. Your request must be sent to all credit bureaus respectively.
  • A credit freeze is permanent unless you request to remove or temporarily lift it on your credit report. Your credit report can be accessed again within one hour to three business days, depending on the request method. Request methods are also done online, by phone, or by mail.

Value of Fraud Protection Services

Yes, a fraud protection service is worth it because it protects businesses from fraudulent online activities. These fraudulent online activities are usually in the form of e-commerce fraud. E-commerce fraud’s global value of losses, according to Juniper Research, has increased to over $20 billion by 2021 from $17.5 billion last 2020. The increase in financial losses can harm both businesses and their customers. Customers can experience false declines, which can negatively impact their overall shopping experience if businesses do not have a fraud protection service.

Fraud protection services offer the following:

  • Flexible options to meet business needs like full-service solutions, fraud management, or fraud risk assessment insights
  • Zero fraud chargeback liability guarantee if any fraud gets through the system
  • Easy-to-use, comprehensive, out-of-the-box solution with a simple application programming interface (API)
  • Advanced machine learning with rules management, analysis, and pattern decision
  • Device fingerprinting
  • Complete chargeback management
  • Onboarding and easy-made setup
  • 24/7 processing and support plus a professional order investigations team

Protecting Credit From Fraud

To protect your credit from fraud, Forbes Advisor has enumerated five smart practices you can do:

  • Request a credit freeze. A credit freeze prevents anyone other than you from doing a credit inquiry. A credit inquiry is where a lender or creditor requests a credit report from one of the three major credit bureaus. The three major credit bureaus like Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, will require the creditor or lender to do an identity verification. The identity verification will find out if the person opening a credit account or borrowing money is really you. You can request a credit freeze if you suspect that someone stole your identity.
  • Review your credit reports. Credit reports contain all the credit lines you hold, the types of credit lines you’ve taken out, and your credit score. Your credit score can be affected by a number of factors like the age of credit lines, diversity of accounts, and the borrowed amount versus the paid amount. These factors are all in the credit report, which you can request for free every 12 months. If your credit report reflects some suspicious activities like a new credit card account or a sudden change in your credit score, you can take measures like placing a credit freeze on your credit report. Placing a credit freeze on your credit report will prevent additional credit account openings while you are investigating possible identity theft.
  • Use a multi-factor ID. A multi-factor ID is an added layer of authentication. This layer of authentication increases your account security by asking you to provide some valuable information that only you can know, can have, and you are. This valuable information can be like:
    • Something only you can know, like a password, about your childhood best friend, high school GPA, favorite book, or pet
    • Something only you can have like credit records, bank accounts, credit cards, or a security USB stick
    • Something only you are like a fingerprint or retina scan biometrics
    • Somewhere only you are like your preset location, so it alerts the creditor or lender if some account changes are done in another location.
  • Use virtual card numbers. Virtual card numbers are limited-use tokens linked to your credit card account. These limited-use tokens are generated by an extension or app for a specified online purchase. Only on the specified online purchase the virtual card number will be valid and not anywhere else. The virtual card number will no longer be valid once your purchase is complete, so fraudsters won't be able to use it anywhere else in case they manage to intercept it.
  • Enroll with ID theft protection. ID theft protection is a program that provides 24/7 credit monitoring. The 24/7 credit monitoring alerts you when there is a credit inquiry, a sudden credit score change, or a suspected fraudulent activity. Fraudulent activities, if not monitored, can cause you financial losses. Financial losses from fraud can be insured when you enroll in an ID theft protection service. An ID theft protection service can be purchased directly from the three major credit bureaus, insurance companies, or third-party providers.

For more information contact the professionals at iSoftpull today.