Know your customer's credit condition... now
iSoftpull is an authorized reseller of
Equifax, TransUnion, Experian, and FICO® Scores.
Create a free Demo Account to see how it works!

What's the difference between a hard and a soft pull?
The difference is the purpose the report is being used for. A soft pull is used for prequalifying a customer; a hard pull is used when a customer is applying for a loan. Both require the customer's written permission to pull their report.
Soft v. Hard Pull Comparison Chart
Get a deep and accurate understanding of your client's credit condition, instantly!

The most reliable data on the market
The most important thing about soft pulls is that it is the exact same data and information as on a hard pull. There is literally zero difference in the data on the reports. With this, you can confidently prequalify a client with a soft pull, knowing when you or the lender subsequently goes to close on the loan with a hard pull there will be no deviation or score decrease.
Full Credit Reports from TransUnion, Equifax, and/or Experian.
Accurate credit scores from FICO and/or Vantage.

All FICO® Score Model Types
Did you know that there are many types and versions of FICO® Scores?
Industy Specific FICO® Scores
FICO® Score Versions

Transform the way you
prequalify your prospects.
See how iSoftpull can help take your business to the next level
by creating a free Demo Account today!